Monday, March 9, 2009

The Motivation

The Leukemia Foundation's World Greatest Shave got me thinking.
Then two weeks back a fundraising dinner for an old university friend fighting a decade-long battle with metastatic cancer pushed me to the edge.
Now I'd say I'm prepared to jump.
Over the last year I've become more aware than ever before of how great a scourge cancer really is - with an unbelievable number of people I've known succumbing to the ravenous appetite of this multi-faceted disease. People who have come into my life.
Annie Robinson - the friend from college - was featured last year on Andrew Denton's Enough Rope in an episode called 'Can I write the ending?'
Her metastatic cancer, which is when cancer cells separate from the primary tumour and spread to other parts of the body, has morphed into so many different cancers within her body that she's lost count.
A few weeks back a disk in her lower back collapsed as the result of radiation therapy, paralysing her from the waste down. Still she keeps going.
In fact Annie has kept going so long that she is now rewriting the record books when it comes to metastatic cancer.
There are as many worthy causes as there are stories and every so often we have to choose. So I've decided I'd like to support the Leukemia Foundation in its efforts and Annie in her challenge.
Here's the pledge:
I'm starting with the first $50. If we don't make the target the money still goes, but maybe not the dreadies. Should we get there there'll be an open invitation to everyone who contributes to come and watch the dedreading. Watch this space. Watch this pate.