Saturday, May 9, 2009

the drastic deed is done

April 17, Southern Hemisphere, South Coast, NSW, Oz.
IT was a packed country hall
and pretty well everyone brought an instrument -
from guitars and drums to spoons and gum-leaf whistles.
We even had a horn section.
And in the best of our mongrel musical inheritance
music was made.
AT some point
the dreads began to fall.
The duty of the first ceremonial cutting fell to the mystical Desire'e
then the youngest audience member....
until finally
our local
old-school barber
took charge.
THE result:
1 night of music
100 musicians
1 sheet full of dreads
1 bald head
and $3,330
for cancer research.
and thanks...
we're all holding hands and climbing.

1 comment:

  1. i did the coupon thing on the BROTHER site..
    did my donation go through???
